Questions? Email for support.

Please select any 1 of the 3 following methods:

Self Service - You can change your Password online instantly by first validating your identity. Just enter the User ID and Security Validation Question and Answer you chose when you created your User ID.

Email - You can now change your Password via email, just send an email to from the email you registered with, including your user id and manager email id. GNS Helpdesk will send a temporary password (valid for 48hrs) via encrypted email to the manager you registered with.

Phone - You can now call or request a call back. Call GNS Helpdesk at +1-602-794-9903  (24x7) or send an email to to request a call back with:

  • Phone number (pls include country code)
  • Best time to call (date, time, time zone)

GNS Helpdesk representative will call you. NOTE: the representative will authenticate you based on information gathered during enrollment.

      Enter a new password

        Successfully recovered your password.

        Your password has been changed successfully.